UN agencies say ready to support Pakistan in managing Afghan nationals

ISLAMABAD  -  The United Nations High Commissioner for Ref­ugees and the International Organisation for Mi­gration have expressed their readiness to provide support to Pakistan in registering and managing Afghan nationals.

In a joint statement in Bangkok on Saturday, the UN agencies said they have a longstanding and strong collaboration with Pakistan and stand ready to provide support in developing a com­prehensive and sustainable mechanism to regis­ter and manage Afghan nationals, including those who may be in need of international protection.

The UN agencies appealed to Pakistan to con­tinue its protection of all vulnerable Afghans who have sought safety in the country and could be at imminent risk if forced to return.

It said Afghanistan is going through a severe hu­manitarian crisis with several human rights chal­lenges, particularly for women and girls.

The UNHCR and IOM appreciated Pakistan’s generous hospitality towards Afghan nationals for over four decades, despite challenges.

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