India’s Internal Strife

The recent rocket attack in Manipur, which has led to the closure of schools and a heightened state of unrest, underscores a grim reality that India can no longer afford to ignore. As violence continues to escalate in this restive region, it becomes glaringly evident that India’s struggle with terrorism and militancy is not confined to isolated incidents but is symptomatic of a broader, systemic crisis.

The recent incident reflects an alarming trend of ethnic violence and insurgency that has plagued several provinces, particularly where minorities face severe persecution. The imposition of draconian rules and the state’s heavy-handed responses have only exacerbated tensions, pushing marginalized communities towards rebellion. The situation in Manipur is just one example of how the simmering discontent across various regions is manifesting in violence and unrest. The Indian government must face the stark reality that the roots of this turmoil lie not just in the actions of militant groups but in the very fabric of its internal policies and socio-political dynamics. While international attention often shifts focus to neighbouring countries, the gravity of India’s internal issues should prompt a period of introspection rather than opportunistic exploitation of external conflicts.

The need for a comprehensive review of India’s internal policies and approach to minority rights is urgent. The country must address the ethnic and sectarian strife plaguing its provinces and work towards an inclusive framework that genuinely respects and protects all its citizens. Only through genuine self-reflection and reform can India hope to turn the tide and foster a more stable and harmonious society.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt