Shared Future

Discover how the 2024 FOCAC Summit redefines China-Africa relations, shaping a future of global cooperation, sustainable growth, and shared prosperity through bold new initiatives.

The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) marks a pivotal moment in the relationship between China and Africa, signifying a new chapter focused on high-quality cooperation and mutual benefit. As the world faces unprecedented challenges in the 21st century, the partnership between China and Africa stands as a beacon of hope and a model for international cooperation. The synergy between China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Global Development Initiative (GDI), and Africa’s Agenda 2063 presents a powerful force for development, promising prosperity and stability for both regions. This partnership transcends bilateral engagement; it is a blueprint for building a community with a shared future for humanity.

China’s commitment to modernisation and reform is a cornerstone of its domestic and international strategy. Over the past few decades, China has undergone a remarkable transformation, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty and emerging as a global economic powerhouse. This experience has given China a unique perspective on development, emphasising the importance of infrastructure, education, technology, and sustainable growth. By sharing this experience with Africa, China aims to ensure the continent benefits from similar progress.

The BRI, central to China’s foreign policy, serves as a key vehicle for sharing development experience. Through infrastructure projects, investment in critical sectors, and technology transfer, the BRI assists African nations in building foundations for long-term economic growth. The 2024 FOCAC Summit further strengthens this commitment, with new agreements and initiatives aimed at deepening the integration of African economies into the global market.

China’s support for Africa extends beyond economic assistance. The GDI, emphasising sustainable development and technological advancement, aligns closely with Africa’s Agenda 2063—the continent’s blueprint for transforming into a global economic force. This alignment ensures that China-Africa cooperation is not merely about immediate gains but about laying the groundwork for a prosperous and sustainable future.

A significant aspect of China’s approach to Africa is its emphasis on trilateral cooperation. During the 2024 FOCAC Summit, President Xi Jinping reiterated China’s commitment to working with the international community, including the United Nations and other global partners, to increase investment in Africa and promote joint initiatives. This collaborative approach is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, it ensures development efforts are coordinated and aligned with global standards, avoiding duplication and maximising the impact of investments. By involving international partners, China and Africa can leverage additional resources and expertise, ensuring projects are implemented efficiently and effectively.

Secondly, trilateral cooperation helps integrate Africa more fully into the global economy. By working with international institutions, African countries can access new markets, attract foreign direct investment, and strengthen trade relationships. This integration is essential for the continent’s long-term development, helping to diversify economies, create jobs, and reduce poverty.

Finally, trilateral cooperation reinforces the principles of multilateralism and international solidarity. In a world where protectionism and unilateralism are on the rise, China and Africa’s commitment to working with global partners sends a powerful message about the importance of cooperation and shared responsibility. It demonstrates that the challenges of the 21st century—whether related to climate change, pandemics, or economic inequality—can only be addressed through collective action.

As the world becomes increasingly complex and interconnected, the unity and cooperation between China and Africa have never been more critical. The 21st century is characterised by rapid technological change, shifting economic power, and growing environmental challenges. In this context, the partnership between China and Africa is not just beneficial but essential for the stability and prosperity of both regions.

One key area where China-Africa cooperation can make a significant impact is advancing sustainable development. The climate crisis is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today, and Africa is particularly vulnerable to its effects. From desertification to rising sea levels, the continent faces environmental challenges that threaten its economic and social stability. By working together, China and Africa can develop innovative solutions, such as expanding renewable energy infrastructure and promoting sustainable agriculture.

Moreover, the partnership is crucial for promoting peace and stability. Many African nations continue to face internal conflicts and external pressures that undermine development efforts. China’s support for peacebuilding initiatives, conflict resolution, and security cooperation is vital for creating the conditions necessary for sustainable development. Through FOCAC, China has committed to increasing support for African peacekeeping missions, providing training and resources to help nations address security challenges.

The China-Africa partnership is also a powerful model for the future of globalisation. In recent years, globalisation has faced significant backlash, with many countries retreating into protectionism and nationalism. However, the China-Africa relationship demonstrates that globalisation can be a force for good when based on mutual benefit, respect, and cooperation.

By deepening economic ties, China and Africa show that globalisation does not have to lead to inequality or exploitation. Instead, it can be a tool for lifting people out of poverty, building infrastructure, and creating opportunities for all. The BRI and GDI offer a vision of globalisation that is inclusive and sustainable, prioritising the needs of developing countries and ensuring they are full participants in the global economy.

Furthermore, the partnership is a testament to the power of South-South cooperation. For too long, the Global South has been marginalised in the global economy, with its development needs often overlooked. Through initiatives like FOCAC, China and Africa are asserting their place on the global stage, showing that the Global South can lead in addressing the world’s most pressing challenges.

The 2024 FOCAC Summit is more than a meeting of leaders; it is a milestone in the ongoing effort to build a community with a shared future for humanity. As China and Africa continue to deepen their cooperation, they are not only advancing their own development goals but also contributing to global modernisation.

The road ahead will not be without challenges. The world faces significant uncertainties, from geopolitical tensions to economic instability. However, the partnership between China and Africa offers a path forward based on solidarity, mutual benefit, and a shared commitment to a better future.

As both regions navigate the complexities of the 21st century, their cooperation will be a cornerstone of efforts to build a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world. By working together, China and Africa can ensure the benefits of globalisation are shared by all, laying the foundation for a community with a shared future for humanity.

Qaiser Nawab
The writer is the Founder and President of the COVID-19 Youth Task Force. He can be reached at

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