Urbanisation threatening Pakistan' s agricultural productivity

Urbanisation is significantly impacting Pakistan's agricultural output, a sector crucial to its economy, reports WealthPK.

"Urbanisation is rapidly expanding in Pakistan, leading to the depletion of rural areas and altering the country's economic, social, and environmental landscape," said M Azeem Tariq, a senior scientific officer at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC).

"The migration from rural to urban areas is bringing about substantial changes, with one of the most profound impacts on agriculture," he said.

He highlighted that agriculture, traditionally the backbone of Pakistan's economy and a major source of employment and food security, was under threat. "The growing demand for land for residential and commercial purposes is converting fertile agricultural lands into urban areas. This conversion leads to a significant loss of valuable agricultural land, diminishing the country's potential for food production."

Azeem said that the urbanisation process, driven by the need for more housing, industry, and commercial spaces, often conflicted with the needs of farmers and rural communities.

"Environmental issues such as soil degradation, water pollution, and deforestation are exacerbated by urbanisation, further affecting agricultural productivity. The displacement of forests and natural habitats disrupts the ecological balance, reducing the number of pollinators and beneficial insects, which in turn lowers crop yields," said an expert from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Talking to WealthPK on condition of being anonymous, he said:

"Traditional agricultural practices, including the use of organic fertilizers and crop rotation essential for sustainable farming, are also being lost due to urban expansion," he said.

He said that the alarming growth of housing societies in Pakistan was leading to a continuous reduction in agricultural land. "With around 8,700 housing societies nationwide, at least 6,000 operate illegally without registration, exacerbating the issue. This growth reduces the farmland available for agriculture, contributing to food shortages and increasing the cost of basic necessities."

Urbanisation presents a major challenge for agriculture in Pakistan, resulting in the loss of agricultural lands, environmental degradation, and the abandonment of traditional farming methods. Balancing urban growth with agricultural needs is essential to meet the demands of both urban and rural communities and sustain long-term agriculture.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt