Pakistan Defence Day is a tribute to enviable loyalty of every veteran of Pakistan Army: Faria Fatima

LAHORE   -  International Human Rights Movement (IHRM) Women’s Wing Punjab, Provincial President Hafiza Faria Fatima Khan, has said that the professionalism of the Pakistan Army for the defense of Pakistan and the passion of our veterans for martyrdom inspires fear on the enemy. The events of the war are remembered by the sun. The Pakistan Army has crushed the army many times bigger than itself, after the worst battle and shameful loss on the Kargil front, India will not dare to attack Pakistan till the end of the day. She was addressing the prayer ceremony for the elevation of the ranks of the martyrs of September while praising and describing the Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan Navy in the context of Defense Day. Did you compromise and will not compromise in the future. Every army chief of Pakistan is a leaden wall for anti-national forces, a handful of misguided elements should not stop spewing venom against Pakistan Army at the dictation of their impious masters, and otherwise we have to pull their tongues with a mace. She said that Pakistan Defense Day is a tribute to the enviable loyalty of every veteran of the Pakistan Army to the motherland. During the three-day celebrations of Defense Day, the enthusiasm of the Pakistani army in favor of Pakistan was visible. She said that Pakistan Army is the heir of thousands of martyrs and ghazis, our guards who guard the borders all night for our peaceful sleep are also like beloved ones. We cannot forget the priceless sacrifices of the founders, martyrs and ghazis of Pakistan. She said that no one can undermine the flag of Pakistanis’ love and devotion to Pakistan’s forces.

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