Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif pays tribute to heroic gatekeeper

Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has extended heartfelt tribute to gatekeeper Madad Ali Jamali for his extraordinary bravery in preventing a potential disaster involving the Shalimar Express train. The incident occurred near Nawab Shah Railway Station, where Madad Ali risked his life at a railway crossing to avert a major accident.

In a poignant statement, the Prime Minister lauded Madad Ali’s courage, highlighting that his quick thinking and selfless act of placing his own safety at risk saved the lives of hundreds of passengers aboard the train. “Madad Ali's actions reflect an unparalleled sense of duty and selflessness,” said Prime Minister Sharif. “He did not hesitate to put his life on the line to ensure the safety of others.”

The Prime Minister emphasized that Madad Ali’s bravery is a powerful example of dedication and commitment to duty. “We all need to learn from Madad Ali Jamali’s selfless spirit,” he remarked. “His unwavering devotion to his responsibilities is a testament to his sincerity and the values we hold dear.”

Prime Minister Sharif concluded by affirming that the entire nation is proud of Madad Ali, recognizing him as a symbol of courage and dedication. The Prime Minister’s tribute underscores the significance of such heroic acts in inspiring others and reinforcing the importance of public safety and personal sacrifice.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt