PM, CJP urged to enact strict laws of open execution against child abusers

Parents of child abuse victim regret supporters of criminals in NA responsible for such incidents in society

PESHAWAR - Parents of Hozi Noor, a victim of child abuse, have appealed Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief Justice of Pakistan to enact strict laws of open execution for those who are involved in hei­nous crime against inno­cent children.

The appeal was made in a protest rally staged out­side Peshawar Press Club on Sunday. The protest demonstration was led by father and relatives of minor child victim Hozi Noor. Holding banners and placards inscribed with slogans in support of open execution, they said that those who were sup­porting the criminals and opposing the open execu­tion had no sense for the children of others.

“When a person com­mits such heinous crime, is not considered hu­man rights violation, but if someone get punish­ment for his crime is con­sidered human rights vio­lation,” they said, adding that those who were sup­porting the criminals in National Assembly were responsible for such kind of incident in soci­ety. They went on to say that elements involved in these dirty crimes did not deserve any conces­sion and need harsh pun­ishment to purge soci­ety from these crimes. They said that if the gov­ernment did not tighten noose around these ani­mals then it would spread to the whole society.

They also demanded installation of CCTV cam­eras in all schools and religious seminaries to keep close watch over the character of each individ­ual. They also demand­ed of the Khyber Pakh­tunkhwa government to pass Howzi Noor Bill in the assembly to enact new laws for capital pun­ishment.

The parents also de­manded law enforce­ment agencies to identify these elements and bring them before public. They demanded of members the National Assembly to valiantly support the lawmakers to enact laws against these kinds of crimes as without exem­plary punishment these crimes would go unbri­dled.


Eye Care Services Pro­gramme has organised free eye camps in dif­ferent areas of Orakzai (Type-D Hospital Ghiljo) and Bajaur (DHQ Hospi­tal Khaar Bajaur) under the supervision of Direc­torate Health services Dr. Niaz Afridi.

In these camps pa­tients were provided ser­vices in the form of free check up, provision of free medicines, provision of reading glasses to the patient with presbyopia and registration of pa­tients for cataract surger­ies. The aim of the camps was to provide quality eye health services to pa­tients having eye prob­lems at their door steps.

During these activities a total number of 636 adult patients and 1,434 stu­dents suffering from vari­ous ophthalmological dis­eases were examined by a qualified team of medical professionals, while 4 cat­aract surgeries were re­ferred for surgeries.

In addition to that, the community awareness sessions were conduct­ed in Orakzai, Bajaur and Mohmand. In the said sessions people were made aware of the pre­cautionary measures of communicable eye dis­eases, signs and symp­toms of refractive errors, importance of vitamin A and management of al­lergic conjunctivitis.

The elders and gener­al public appreciated the efforts of Director Health Merged Areas Dr. Nyaz Afridi, Program Manag­er and the whole team of Eye Care Services Pro­gram for providing quali­ty treatment to the poor and deserving people liv­ing in far flung areas of merged areas.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt