PTI-backed independents grab five NA seats in Peshawar

PESHAWAR  -  In the provincial metropolis of Peshawar, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-backed independent candidates se­cured four out of the total five national assembly seats and clinched the majority share in the provin­cial assembly by winning five out of the total 13 seats in the general elections held last Thursday across the country.

According to unofficial results, on the National As­sembly seat (NA-28), Noor Alam Khan of Jamiat Ula­mat-e-Islam (JUI-Fazl) emerged as the winner with a total of 138,389 votes, while PTI-backed independ­ent candidate Sajid Nawaz remained the runner-up with 65,119 votes.

The total cast votes in the national assembly con­stituency stood at 241,123, with 4,679 rejected, and the percentage of polled votes remained at 62.06 per cent.

Similarly, in the unofficial results of NA-29 Pesha­war, PTI-backed candidate Arbab Amir Ayub won with 68,394 votes, defeating the Awami National Par­ty’s Saqibullah Khan, who secured the second posi­tion with 18,776 votes. The constituency had a total of 131,994 polled votes, with 3,891 rejected, result­ing in a percentage of 34.49%.

Likewise, in the same party-backed victory, in­dependent candidate Shandana Gulzar won NA-30 with a clear margin of about fifty thousand votes, re­ceiving 78,971 votes, while JUI-F’s Nasir Musazai re­mained in second place with 20,950 votes. The con­stituency recorded 131,994 cast votes, with 4,768 votes rejected, and a polled votes ratio of 33%.

On NA-31 Peshawar-III, unofficial results revealed that PTI-backed independent candidate Sher Ali Arb­ab secured victory with 50,722 votes, followed by PPP’s Arbab Alamgir with 47,457 votes. The con­stituency recorded a total of 98,573 cast votes, with 1,953 rejected, and a polled votes ratio of 32.23%.

Similarly, in the fifth constituency of the provin­cial metropolis, NA-32, unofficial results showed that PTI-backed independent candidate Asif Khan se­cured 50,217 votes, while ANP’s seasoned politician Ghulam Ahmed Bilour came in second with 28,145 votes. The constituency recorded 98,715 cast votes, with 2,422 votes rejected for various reasons, re­sulting in a percentage of the total polled votes of 17.19%.

Additionally, PTI-backed candidates secured five out of the total 13 provincial assembly seats, while PPPP and PML-N each secured two. Awami Nation­al Party, Pervez Khatak’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-In­saf-Patriot (PTI-P), Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam (JUI-Fa­zl), and an independent candidate each secured one seat in the general elections held in 2024 last Thursday.

Unofficial results indicated that Pakistan People’s Party candidate Karamatullah Chagharmati won PK-72 with 18,527 votes, while former deputy speak­er of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assembly and PTI-backed independent candidate Mehmood Jan came second with 14,332 votes.

Similarly, in provincial assembly constituency PK-73, PTI-backed independent candidate Waseem Ak­bar Hayat confirmed the seat with 21,949 votes, while JUI-F’s Maulana Abdul Haseeb Haqqani came second with 14,752 votes.

Likewise, unofficial results showed that JUI’s Ejaz Muhammad won from PK-74 with 45,959 votes, while former MPA and PTI-backed independent can­didate Arbab Jahandad came second with 21,817 votes.

The Awami National Party’s candidate on PK-75, Arbab Usman, secured the seat with 43,783 votes, while the PTI’s independent candidate Malik Shahab Hussain became the runner-up with 23,968 votes, ac­cording to unofficial results.

Similarly, in PK-76, unofficial results indicated that PTI-backed independent candidate Samiullah suc­ceeded by achieving 18,880 votes, and ANP’s for­mer MPA Khushdal Khan advocate remained the run­ner-up with 12,986 votes.

In provincial assembly constituency PK-77, PTI-backed independent candidate Sher Ali Afridi se­cured 30,544 votes and remained in the first po­sition, while ANP’s Salahuddin came second with 15,653 votes.

In PK-78, PML-N candidate Zahir Khan won the seat with 22,559 votes, and PTI’s independent can­didate and former Mayor of Peshawar, Arbab Asim, came second with 17,125 votes, while in PK-79, the same party’s Jalal Khan was leading by 16,031 votes, and PTI’s independent candidate and Ex-provincial finance minister Taimur Saleem Jhagra came second with 11,495 votes.

Similarly, according to unofficial results, PPP’s Arb­ab Zarq Khan won from PK-80 Peshawar with 23,311 votes, followed by the PTI’s independent candidate Hamid-ul Haq with 10,251 votes.

In PK-81, PTI’s independent candidate Syed Qasim Ali Shah won with 44,310 votes, while ANP’s Arsalan Khan Nazim came second with 8,177 votes.

Likewise, in unofficial results on PK-82, a purely in­dependent candidate, Malik Tariq Awan, confirmed the seat by getting 20,334 votes against the Ex-pro­vincial minister and PTI-backed independent candi­date Kamran Bangash, who remained second with 14,030 votes.

In PK-83, PTI’s independent candidate Meena Khan Afridi won by a clear margin of 38,117 votes against the ANP’s lady candidate Samar Haroon Bilour, who came second with 33,500 votes.

Similarly, according to unofficial results, PTI’s for­mer MPA and party’s party-backed independent can­didate Fazl-e-Elahi won PK-84 by getting 25,850 votes, while ANP’s Farhad Khan came second with 8,248 votes.

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