Eradicate Congo Virus

It is unfortunate that a second outbreak of the deadly Ebola vi­rus has hit Congo even before an earlier outbreak in the eastern re­gion ended.

The full name of the virus is Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fe­ver. Crimean-Congo fever is a viral infection that spreads through the bites of infected ticks or when in contact with infected animals. Balo­chistan has issued a Congo virus red alert after a doctor died. Hospi­tals are on high alert for the rapid spread of this dangerous Congo vi­rus in Quetta city. Precautions need to be taken; nine Congo virus pa­tients have been shifted to Karachi from Quetta, and many have died.

To combat this disease, all cit­izens should wear masks, main­tain social distance, and especial­ly refrain from eating any kind of meat for some time. I urge the au­thorities to take immediate ac­tion to address this dreadful is­sue all over Pakistan.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt