PM’s strict monitoring led to inflation control

Smart lockdown policy trickled down well in providing relief to the poor

ISLAMABAD   -  Strict monitoring and diligent balancing strategy of the Prime Minister Imran Khan has led to contain inflation at single digit, well placed government sources confided to The Nation.

Sources said the prime minister was personally monitoring the prices of essential food items in the country which has greatly helped the government in containing inflation in the Covid affected economy. According to sources the inflation rate has significantly dropped to 9 percent in September against double digit recorded in the same month last year when Covid pandemic was at its peak due to the Indian variant.

The government had to take important initiatives in order to offset the adverse impact of the Covid hit economy during the first second wave of the pandemic by striking a balance. Prime minister’s policy of smart lock down trickled down well which provided phenomenal relief to the poor and labourers by providing them financial assistance through government’s Ehsas programme, food through mobile kitchens and Panagahs. Simultaneously, the government had opened some of the key economic sectors such as textile industry, construction and tourism.

These were key targeted initiatives of the government to contain inflation during the global pandemic which had crippled the international supply chain. Prime minister has also been trying to balance the adverse impact of price of oil in the international market and depreciation of rupee against the US dollar.  As part of the strategy, the State Bank of Pakistan has banned import of as many as 137 luxury items. The prime minister is working hard to substitute the import of palm oil by encouraging cultivation of oil seeds and olive tree plantation in the country. “The current inflation is the result of ill conceived policies and corruption of the past rulers”, Minister for National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhar Imam told a seminar in Multan on Saturday.

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