National polio campaign starts in five districts of Larkana region

LARKANA  -  A seven-day National Polio Campaign started in Larkana division on Monday and will continue till September 15, in various cities, towns, and villages of Larkana, Kamber-Shahdadkot, Shikarpure, Jacobabad, and Kandhkot-Kashmore. The teams have planned to visit remote and far-flung areas as well as rain/flood-affected areas of the five districts to administer Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) to the 1,179,995 children up to the age of five years.

The District Health Departments of Larkana, Kamber-Shahdadkot, Shikarpure, Jacobabad, and Kandahkot-Kashmore districts have deputed more than 3,430 mobile and fixed teams to administer Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) to the children up to five years age. The officials of the Health Department have appealed to the people that they should cooperate with polio teams visiting their houses. Meanwhile, Commissioner Larkana division Ghulam Mustafa Phull appealed to parents of children up to the age of five years to get their children vaccinated during the ensuing national polio campaign up to September 15, 2024, and prevent them from lifelong disability.

He also appealed to all the citizens of the division to extend their cooperation with the polio team of the Health Department to make the district a polio-free division. Commissioner Larkana called upon the parents, religious scholars, social workers, civil society, teachers, and health workers to play a positive role in making the anti-polio drive successful so that our beloved new generation could save from the crippling disease of polio.

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