Thar Coal: An oasis in desert

It is an elating moment for the whole nation that The Thar Coal project has started electricity generation of approximately 330 megawatts. The power supply to national grid station has also commenced from the power plant. Thar coalfield has its ground finally.

The treasure buried in Thar is worth 25 trillion dollars. Through operating efficiency and development, mechanisms, 175 billion tons of Thar coal can produce one hundred thousand megawatts of electricity. This calculation lasts for the next two hundred years. Thar coal will enable a reduction in oil and gas import. Surplus electricity, on the other hand, can generate almost 25 billion annually, which is more than our total exports. The energy that Thar holds is more than the combined energy of Saudi Arabia and Iran while it is 68 times higher than Pakistan’s total gas reserves which is a mantra of Thar Coalfield. The 9000 square kilometers of area holds the key to Pakistan`s prosperity.

Pakistan is facing a serious energy crisis due to a rapid increase in energy demand from growing demographic pressures and intense industrialization. The present power generation capacity stands at 28000 MW where 22000 MW based on primitive transmission. This results in an average shortfall of 3000 MW. We can overcome this particular shortage by Thar coal in the short term.

To all of us, Thar Coal is an oasis in the desert; I wish it ended all the mirages and miseries of Thari people.


Karachi, March 25.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt