Chairman P&D board Abdullah Khan Sumbal meets delegation of World Bank

Chairman Planning & Development Board, Mr. Abdullah Khan Sumbal met a delegation of World Bank comprising Mr. Lire Ersado Practice Leader, Human Development, Senior Health Specialist South Asian region Dr. Manav Bhattarai, Operations Specialist Shaza Khan at P&D Complex.

During the meeting, the chair discussed the importance of the family planning program in Punjab. The main key points of the ‘Family Planning Program’ in the districts of Punjab also came under discussion while it was agreed to initiate steps to Improve the availability of family planning services, and commodities and also to strengthen demand through community engagement, behavioral change, and empowering women and adolescents. It is pertinent to know that the program will help in improving the quality and equitable coverage of essential family planning services, governance, and accountability.

Mr. Lire Ersado stated that World Bank would be funding the proposed project with $US 200 Million over a period of five years and the project will use World Bank’s Program for Results (P for R) approach. The proposed interventions will be organized around advocacy, political commitment, and enhanced capacity for policy formulation. The meeting was attended by senior officials of the P&D Board, Population Welfare Department, and Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department.

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