Crackdown launched against wall chalking in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD - The Islamabad district administration on Monday launched a crackdown on wall chalking to improve the city’s appearance.  

According to a press release, assistant commissioners have been assigned to lead efforts to remove wall chalking across various areas. The government has also ordered the registration of complaints against advertisers responsible for defacing public spaces. Special teams have been formed across the district to address the issue.  

As part of the initiative, local union councils and the Capital Development Authority (CDA) are working together to eliminate wall chalking. Assistant teams have already begun operations under the guidance of the assistant commissioners.  

Islamabad Deputy Commissioner Irfan Memon urged citizens to report those involved in wall chalking. “We need the public’s support to restore the city’s beauty and make this effort effective,” he said, stressing the importance of community participation in the campaign.

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