Commissioner holds Muharram security review meeting

Rawalpindi   -   The Commissioner Rawalpindi Division Engineer Aamir Khattak said that any kind of lapse in security arrangements will not be tolerated. All deputy commissioners should personally monitor the arrangements so that any deficiency can be adressed immediately. He said that controlrooms are being established and made functional in all districts. 

The presence of focal persons nominated by each department in the controlroom will be the responsibility of the head of the department. Commissioner said this while presiding over the review meeting held regarding Muharram arrangements here on Wednesday. 

He directed that government hospitals as well as private hospitals should be alerted and private ambulances should be kept on standby.  In this review meeting held for Muharram arrangements, Additional Commissioner Coordination Syed Nazarar Ali, Director Local Government Sibtain Kazmi, Director General PHA Ahmad Hasan Ranjha and heads of other concerned departments attended meeting in person, whereas, Deputy Commissioner Jhelum, Attock, Chakwal and Murree participated through video link.

 Later, Shia scholars called on Commissioner Rawalpindi Division at Municipal Corporation Office Rawalpindi. Ulemas said that the efforts of the district administration for the security and other arrangements of processions and majaalis are commendable. Commissioner Rawalpindi instructed the assistant commissioners to conduct anti-dengue spraying on the procession route by tomorrow evening.

In addition, solid waste minimization has already been activated for cleaning. Commissioner directed that Civil Defence, Municipal Corporation, WAPDA, Rescue and other concerned officials will accompany each procession.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt