Police high-ups hold multiple meetings

ISLAMABAD  -  The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad, Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, chaired important meetings at CPO and met with a delegation from the National Radio and Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC), a public relations officer said on Wednesday. He said that, DIG Islamabad Syed Ali Raza, DIG Security Muhammad Jawad Tariq, DG Safe City Malik Jameel Zafar, and other senior police officers were also present at these meetings. IGP Islamabad, Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, reviewed the measures taken to eradicate crime across the city. He directed senior police officers to formulate clear strategies and measures to combat street crime, robbery, dacoity, drug trafficking, and other crimes. Furthermore, he issued orders to the senior officers to crack down effectively on kite flyers, especially kite sellers in the federal capital, in accordance with the instructions of Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi. He emphasized that such elements endanger human lives and strict legal action should be taken against them. IGP Islamabad also reviewed the security measures for foreigners and the operations of the Special Protection Unit (SPU). He directed the DIG Security to ensure the safety of foreign nationals and to enhance the efficiency of the SPU. He emphasized that the security of foreign citizens, ambassadors, delegations, and embassies in the federal capital is the top priority of the Islamabad Police. 

Moreover, the delegation from the National Radio and Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC) also visited the Central Police Office Islamabad and met with IGP Islamabad and senior officers of Islamabad Police. During the meeting, important decisions were made regarding equipping Islamabad Police with modern technology and conducting technology-based courses to enhance their efficiency in line with modern requirements. IG Islamabad also presented an honorary police shield to the delegation. 

Additionally, IG Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi also chaired a late-night meeting to enhance the efficiency of Safe City Islamabad and to make modern technology more beneficial for citizens. The meeting was attended by DG Safe City, SSP Safe City, and the technical staff of Safe City. IGP Islamabad issued directives regarding the provision of modern technology and the development of new software to enhance the efficiency of Safe City. He also reviewed reports on the implementation of previous directives. Meanwhile, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police Islamabad, Syed Ali Raza, presided over a crime meeting at his office. The meeting was attended by SSP Investigation Hasan Jahangir Watto, Zonal SPs, SDPOs, and SHOs, according to a police spokesman. He said that DIG Islamabad directed the officers to work solely on merit and refrain from engaging in any illegal activities. Furthermore, he urged all SHOs to form their own teams and collaborate closely with them to combat crime effectively. He emphasized the importance of officers being vigilant against criminal activities. DIG Islamabad directed all officers to increase patrolling in their respective areas to control crime and ensure their visible presence. He also instructed them to compile a list of absconders, proclaimed offenders and target offenders involved in serious crimes and to locate and apprehend them. DIG Islamabad Said that all SHOs should ensure their presence in the police stations for the welfare of the citizens, ensure the arrest of the accused involved in other serious cases including murder, robbery, robbery, car, motorcycle theft and crackdown against those involved in kite-selling and kite-flyers. He said that effective redressal of citizens’ complaints at the police station level is the top priority which should be ensured, maintaining law and order during Muharram and protecting the life and property of the citizens is the first responsibility for which all resources should be utilized.

He emphasized a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and misuses of authority, highlighting that the protection of life, property, and citizens’ dignity is of utmost importance.

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