Two injured in ice factory blast due to ammonia gas

MULTAN   -  Two persons sustained injuries after a blast in an ice factory due to ammonia gas, near Qasba Marral.

According to Rescue 1122, the owner and labourer of the factory sustained burn injuries. Rescue 1122 rushed to the site and shifted the patients to Nishtar hospital. Similarly, Rescue 1122 also cordoned off the area and secure the whole area from ammonia gas. However, the local police is also investigating the incident.

Forest deptt retrieves 102 acres from land mafia

Secretary Forest, Wildlife and Fisheries south Punjab Sarfraz Khan Magsi said on Wednesday that Forest Department South Punjab retrieved 102 acres of state land from grabbers during 2023. He disclosed this while chairing a meeting here. The secretary instructed officers to launch comprehensive crackdown against illegal occupation of Forest department’s land.

He directed conservators to visit their areas and take strict action against the occupiers and submit report on weekly basis.  He also informed that 95 percent of development funds allocated for the previous fiscal year were spent on different projects. Similarly, all arrangements for completion of the development schemes have been devised, he added.

Sarfraz Khan Magsi directed the full implementation of the monsoon plantation plan, stating that Additional Chief Secretary South Punjab Fawad Hashim Rabbani was deeply interested in tree plantation in wake of climate change and had instructed record plantation during the monsoon.

He also issued cleanliness instructions in offices to prevent dengue during the monsoon and ordered the prompt resolution of disciplinary and pension cases concerning employees.

The meeting was attended by Special Secretary Captain (retd) Rana Rizwan Qadeer, Chief Conservator of Forests Muhammad Nawaz Sandeela, and Conservators of Forests from Multan, Bahawalpur and Dera Ghazi Khan, among other officials.

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