Peace in region linked with resolution of Kashmir: AJK-PM

MUZAFFARABAD   -    Terming the resolu­tion of the Kashmir dis­pute as a key to regional peace, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Min­ister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has urged the inter­national community to play its much-needed role to help resolve the linger­ing dispute peacefully. In a statement issued here on Saturday, the PM said that sustainable peace in South Asia hinged on a just and equitable solu­tion to the Kashmir issue. He said that it was high time that the interna­tional community should play its role to resolve the decades-long dispute that has been pending on the UN agenda for the last 75 years. Terming Kashmiris’ ongoing free­dom movement as a le­gitimate struggle, he said, “Hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris have sacri­ficed their lives to achieve their cherished goal of freedom”. Referring to the massive human rights vio­lations taking place in the Indian-occupied territory of Jammu and Kashmir, the PM said that bloodbath of innocent civilians, extra-judicial killings, arbitrary arrests, and molestation of women at the hands of occupation forces have become a new normal in Kashmir. “ Despite all these cruel tactics, India could not suppress the spirit of freedom from the hearts of Kashmiris”, he said. He said that international hu­man rights organizations should take notice of the woeful plight of Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders who have been booked under Draco­nian laws and left to rot in jails. The AJK Prime Min­ister also urged the world leaders to take notice of India’s stubbornness and play their role in giving the Kashmiri people their right to self-determination guaranteed to them under the UNSC resolutions.

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