Int’l Parliament Convention debates on federalism and devolution of power


Experts discuss challenges to federalism.

ISLAMABAD     -    On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of Pakistan’s Constitution, the International Parliament Conven­tion held its first breakout session on Wednesday at the National Assembly Hall. The discussion focused on the challenges and opportunities associated with federalism and devolution of power, with speakers sharing their expertise and experiences on the top­ic. Member National Assembly Nafisa Shah chaired the session and explored the benefits of federalism in achieving diversification. She cited Lord Acton’s quote that “Federalism is the best curb on democ­racy” and emphasized that only federalism can limit power and exclude the absolute power of majority.

Senator Anwarul Kakar emphasized the need for devolution of powers to local bodies to ad­dress concerns of “have nots.” Shama Haider, a New Jersey State representative from USA, high­lighted success of federalism in USA and hoped that Pakistan would follow suit. Ch Manzoor shared achievements of Sindh in health sector and emphasized importance of coordination in fed­eralism. Farah Maalim Mohamed, former Deputy Speaker of National Assembly of Kenya, stressed need for accountability to prevent corruption and exploitation in federalism. The session concluded with a round of questions and answers from speak­ers, with chair emphasizing need for federalism to address key questions of identity, backwardness, and rights of minorities in far-flung areas.

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