Arizona man sets third Guinness World Record with blindfolded basketball trick shot

Jeremy Ware, a 32-year-old from Scottsdale, Arizona, has set a new Guinness World Record by landing a blindfolded basketball shot from an impressive 60 feet away.

This latest achievement marks Ware’s third world record. He previously held titles for the most squats on a Swiss ball in one minute (37) and the farthest backward basketball shot (85 feet, 5 inches).

His newest challenge, however, proved to be the most difficult. Unlike his previous backward shot, where he could still see the hoop, this time Ware had to rely purely on instinct.

“Essentially, I’m blindfolded when throwing backward, but I still have a reference point,” Ware explained to Guinness World Records. “With this one, it’s completely dark. You have to trust the process, trust your gut, and know the shot will go in.”

Despite recently losing his record for the farthest backward basketball shot, Ware is considering a comeback to reclaim the title, adding to his already impressive string of world record feats.

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