JJANP highlights gaps in juvenile justice system, calls for urgent govt action

LAHORE   -  The convenors of Juvenile Justice Advocacy Network Pakistan (JJANP) through a press release have urged the government to make sure that juveniles who get in conflict with law be given due rights as embodied in 2018 Act and UN Convention on Rights of Child in lines with Article 37 of the same. JJANP will aim for voicing against rampant violence against children across Pakistan.

Saira Ahmad, the convener Sindh along with other convenors of JJANP are of the view that the practice of the death penalty and life imprisonment should be abolished for juveniles allegedly and/or convicted of heinous offences including terrorism or blasphemy. Moreover, the investigation of criminal cases should be made fair and transparent in accordance with Criminal Code of Procedure so to make sure that the juveniles without any shadow of doubt are declared as juveniles, if any material evidence on age of arrested person discloses him less 18-year of age. This procedure has to be adopted by the police and law enforcing agencies as warranted Section 8 of the Act 2018. The JJANP emphasizes on making Juvenile Justice Committees active and functional across Pakistan to resolve cases of children in conflict with minor laws. Since the implementation of Juvenile Justice Act 2018, Juvenile Justice Committees have not been activated across Punjab and Sindh till date. Children found to be involved in minor breaches of penal law will be dealt with through the non-punitive sanctions set out in the Diversion Act 2018.

Juvenile Justice System demands due rights to be given and ensured to all juveniles who come in conflict with law starting from the time of arrest until the completion of trial and, if applicable, during detention while serving the sentence.. The problem within Pakistan is that there is no direct and complete procedure available for age determination of arrested person. The age determination has to be done at the earliest stage such as during physical remand proceedings by the police investigation officer. The police officers/investigation officers intentionally or unintentionally do not treat an arrested person as juvenile if that appears to be juvenile in order to avoid their duties rising under the JJSA 2018.

Lastly, the press release highlighted that JJANP Sindh Chapter will hold its inaugural meeting in the running month.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt