Pakistan for a strong, influential OIC

ISLAMABAD    -    Pakistan has expressed its commitment to a  strong and influen- tial Organisation  of Islamic Cooper- ation (OIC) as OIC  Secretary General His- sein Brahim Taha visits Pakistan and  Azad Jammu Kashmir. Pakistani leaders have assured the OIC chief of continued support and active role by Islamabad in the OIC activities – making it stronger  and influential. The OIC has recent- ly completed 50 years of its exis- tence. Pakistan was one of its found- ing members in 1969. Although the  need for cooperation among Islamic nations has been felt for a long  time, it was the despicable ar- son attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque  in 1969 that proved catalytic for the birth of this international organization which is now the  second largest intergovernmen- tal body after the United Na- tions with 57 member states.  Pakistan has played an active  role all these fifty years in es- pousing co-operation among  member states and supporting the just causes of Palestinians and Kashmiris. Last month, the UN General  Assembly adopted with consen- sus a Pakistan-introduced reso- lution on cooperation with the  OIC, urging the United Nations to enhance collaboration with  the Saudi-dominated bloc in ar- eas of mutual interest.  Under the terms of the resolu- tion, “Cooperation between the  United Nations and the Organi- sation of Islamic Cooperation”,  the 193-member assembly af- firmed the UN and OIC shared  a common goal of promoting and facilitating the Middle East peace process with the goal to  establish a just and comprehen- sive peace in the region.  It also affirmed it shared a common objective of fostering peaceful and political solutions to other conflicts in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and Security Council resolutions. In its operative paragraphs,  the draft recognises the con- tinuing cooperation between  the Islamic Organisation and  United Nations entities, in- cluding the Office of the Unit- ed Nations High Commissioner  for Refugees (UNHCR) and the  United Nations Entity for Gen- der Equality and the Empower- ment of Women (UN-Women).  OIC Secretary General Hissein Brahim Taha is in Pakistan and  has held meetings with Paki- stani and AJK leaders. Yesterday  he laid a wreath at the Jammu and Kashmir Monument, built in memory of Kashmiri martyrs and their struggle.  The Muslim world body al- ways raised voice against the  Indian atrocities in IIOJK and  supported the right to self-de- termination of Kashmiris as per  UN resolutions. In the 48th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers  held in Islamabad in March this year, the Muslim world body had adopted a joint action plan on Kashmir issue.  Under the plan, the OIC coun- tries agreed to raise the Kash- mir issue in their bilateral en- gagements with India and  underscore respect for the fun- damental human rights of the  Kashmiri people, as well as lend support to monitor human rights violations in the IIOJK.  On May 16, 2022, the OIC Gen- eral Secretariat expressed deep  concern over India’s attempts to redraw the electoral boundaries  of the IIOJK altering the demo- graphic structure of the territo- ry and violating the rights of the  Kashmiri people. The OIC in a strongly worded  statement condemned the Indi- an illegal move in IIOJK which  is an internationally accepted  disputed territory. The “delim- itation” exercises are in direct  contravention of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and international law, including the 4th Geneva Convention. Conflict resolution between member states is the core task the OIC has performed, but with  mixed results. Soon after its in- ception, the OIC, along with the  Arab League, was tasked with resolving the conflict between  the Palestine Liberation Organi- sation (PLO) and the Hashemite  Kingdom of Jordan. King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz and President Jamal Abdul Nasir led a joint mission to Amman in 1970 and successfully resolved the issue.

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