Human rights abuses in IHK

The Indians have been using ruthless force since the unfurling of the current uprising in the backdrop of the killing of Burhan Wani in July 2016, which continues unabated.

The second report compiled by the UNOHCH on the human rights abuses committed by the Indian security forces in the IHK and released on the eve of the third anniversary of the martyrdom of Burhan Wani indicates rise in the bloodshed and abuse of human rights. The report pertaining to the period between May 2018 and April 2019 says that in the backdrop of the Pulwama incident the Indian paramilitary forces unleashed a floodgate of civilian casualties and the situation impacted the rights of the Kashmiris, including right of life. The first report on the same subject issued by UNOHCRC in June 2018 also highlighted serious violations of human rights, unwarranted use of force by the Indian security personnel leading to civilian casualties, subjective detention and impunity for human rights violation. The report had also demanded setting up of a Commission of Inquiry for a thorough probe into the continued perpetration of atrocities on the people of Kashmir under Indian occupation. The report laments “No security forces personnel accused of torture or other forms of degrading and inhuman treatment have been prosecuted in a civilian court since these allegations started emerging in the early 1990s.”

The Indians have been using ruthless force since the unfurling of the current uprising in the backdrop of the killing of Burhan Wani in July 2016, which continues unabated. Reportedly the Indian security forces have killed 755 Kashmiris, raped 903 women, maimed and injured thousands of them through use of pallet guns and destroyed 3002 structures and buildings. The year 2018 was the bloodiest as more than 500 people were killed by the Indian security forces. In September 2018 alone the Indian security forces martyred 42 Kashmiris. The killings continue unabated which is an affront to the conscience of the so-called civilized world and the world body which has the responsibility to promote peace in the world and to protect rights of the oppressed people.

It is worth pointing out that the All Party Parliamentarian Group of UK parliament comprising 70 legislators also presented a report on human rights violations in occupied Kahmir in the British parliament in April 2018. The report condemning Indian atrocities observed “The Indian government refused to allow independent observers from Britain to enter IHK and despite repeated requests notwithstanding, no representative of either Indian central government or the Jummu and Kashmir state government agreed to give evidence verbally or in writing.”

The group made a number of recommendation to the rectify the situation including the repeal the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) 1990 by India enabling prosecution of armed forces and security personnel through the civilian judicial system; Amending of Public Safety Act 1978 by the J&K government, curtailing administrative detention powers in line with the international legal principles; Initiation of a comprehensive public investigation into the identities of bodies in mass and unmarked graves with an independent forensic verification process; Providing full freedom of information mechanism by India for the families of suspected victims of enforced disappearances; immediate ban on the use of pallet guns and J&K government opening its prisons to international inspection.

The report was a serious indictment of the Indian government for human right abuses in IHK and ruthless killings of the Kashmiri freedom fighters. The recommendations of the group provided a deep insight into what the Indian security forces have been doing in IHK to quell the uprising and their blatant violation of the human rights.

It is pertinent to point out that India has banned the entry of the foreign media into IHK and it is also not allowing any international observer to visit the area besides blocking internet services in the valley to conceal her ugly face and the inhuman treatment being meted out to the people of Kashmir. But despite her best efforts to do so human rights organizations within India and international human rights organizations like Amnesty International have been compiling regular reports on the brutal killings in IHK by the Indian security forces and the violation of human rights. The pictures and images of the Indian security forces committing horrendous human rights violations are regularly getting out for the international community to watch.

Amnesty International in its report while enumerating thousands of killings and rape of thousands of women by the personnel of the Indian security forces since 1989 had also demanded the repeal of AFSPA. Since the beginning of the new wave of freedom struggle in the wake of the murder of Burhan Wani in 2016 which continues unabated, the Indian security forces reportedly have killed more than 800 Kashmiris, raped 903 women, maimed and injured thousands of them through use of pallet guns and destroyed well over three thousand structures and buildings.

The continued killing of the people of Kashmir by the Indian security forces with impunity is an affront to the conscience of the civilized world and the United Nations which is under obligation to have its resolutions on Kashmir implemented. The indifference shown by the world community and those powers who cry hoarse from every convenient roof-top to announce their credentials as champions of human rights, human liberties and the right of self-determination, is not only regrettable but is indicative of their selective adherence to the proclaimed human values and principles.

India, with a view to hoodwink the international community has also adopted a belligerent posture towards Pakistan. India belligerence almost led to a full-fledged war between the two countries after the Pulwama incident. It is continuously violating the ceasefire agreement of 2013 along the line of control and the working boundary and is also trying to portray the freedom struggle in IHK as Pakistani abetted terrorism. This is being done notwithstanding the fact that the freedom movement in Kashmir was an indigenous phenomenon which has been repeatedly acknowledged even by the saner elements within Indian who have been urging the need for dialogue between Pakistan and India to resolve the Kashmir dispute.

Apart from the humanitarian dimensions, Kashmir dispute also poses a grave threat to peace and security in the region besides having debilitating effect on the prospects of changing the dismal economic situation of the people of both India and Pakistan as well as other countries of the region. The continuation of hostilities between the two will harm both of them. History is a witness to the fact that no people can be kept under subjugation against their will for long. The people of Kashmir come what may, are not going to accept Indian occupation as is evident from their continued struggle. Similarly Pakistan being a party to the dispute cannot remain oblivious to what is happening in the valley. It has the right to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to the liberation movement launched by the people of Indian held Kashmir till such time India agrees to act in line with the UN resolutions. India must realize and acknowledge the ground realities and fulfill its commitments given to the UN and the people of Kashmir as enunciated in the UN Resolutions.

The writer is a freelance columnist. He can be reached at

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