Nepra slaps Rs10 million fine on K-Electric for lack of safety measures

Regulator reviews inquiry reports submitted by company

ISLAMABAD  -  The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) on Wednesday slapped a fine of Rs10 million on KElectric for lack of safety measures/culture which has resulted in 33 fatalities of individuals within the service territory of the company during FY2022-23.

After reviewing the inquiry reports submitted by the company, the regulator has noted that out of 33 fatalities, the fatality of Muhammad Aslam occurred due to a lack of safety measures/culture in the KE’s service territory, as per the order issued by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) here Wednesday. After getting information pertaining to each individual case, NEPRA carried out a thorough evaluation of all relevant records including the internal inquiry reports submitted by the licensee itself against the thirtythree (33) fatalities that occurred during FY 2022-23, said the order.

As per the decision, the root cause of the accident was non-adherence to the safety SOPs, by KE. The fatality of the victim could have been avoided if proper isolation of the HT/LT system was ensured before executing the work. Further, the PQC staff of KE did not supervise the site which led to the demise of the victim. Moreover, the execution of the work was carried out in an unplanned and haphazard manner which is also a reason for the occurrence of this fatal accident.

The Authority further directed KE to give a compensation of Rs3.5 million to the family of the victim along with a job to the next of kin. Further, the licensee shall submit documentary evidence of its compliance in this regard to the satisfaction of the Authority within a period of two months. On August 30, 2023, NEPRA had served a show cause notice (SCN) to K-Electric on fatal accidents for violating Performance Standards, Distribution Code, Power Safety Code, and other applicable documents. The company submitted its response on September 14, 2023. The Authority considered the response of the licensee and decided to provide an opportunity for a hearing to the K-Electric that held on May 13, 2024, wherein, the CEO of the Licensee along with his team made some submission to the authority.

Keeping in view the submissions of the company, the evidence available on record, and provisions of relevant NEPRA laws and terms and conditions of distribution license issued to the licensee, the Authority rejected the response of the K-Electric against the served show cause notice August 30, 2023, particularly with regard to the case of Muhammad Aslam (the victim), and imposed a fine of Rs10 million on K-Electric under the NEPRA Act, and NEPRA (Fine) Regulations, 2021 on account of non-compliance by the licensee with NEPRA Act, Terms & Conditions of its License, Performance Standards (Distribution) Rules 2005, Distribution Code, Power Safety Code, Consumer Service Manual and other applicable documents. NEPRA directed K-Electric to pay the fine amount of Rs10 million in designated bank of the Authority within a period of 15 days from the date of issuance of the order.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt