APHC SG rues lack of international support for Kashmir

ISLAMABAD   -   Secretary General of the All Party Hurriyat Conference Advocate Pervaiz Shah Thursday excoriated the International community’s apathy towards human rights abuses in Kashmir, sparking fresh appeals for global intervention in the region’s decades-long struggle for liberation and self-rule, as the death toll of innocent Kashmiris continues to mount.

Speaking to PTV News, Shah emphasized the need for international pressure to secure the freedom of these detainees who he argued were being held unjustly for their political beliefs and activism.

APHC Secretary-General expressed deep disappointment and concern over the lack of international support for the Kashmiri people’s struggle for freedom and self-determination.

He lamented that despite the egregious human rights violations and atrocities committed by Indian forces in Kashmir the global community had failed to take decisive action leaving the Kashmiris to suffer at the hands of occupation. He warned that their continued incarceration would only serve to further inflame tensions in the region and undermine efforts to resolve the Kashmir dispute through peaceful means.

Advocate Pervaiz Shah expressed confidence that the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination would ultimately prevail, despite India’s attempts to discredit and suppress it.

He noted that India’s efforts to label the Kashmiri movement as “terrorism” at the international level had been thwarted by the global community’s growing recognition of the dispute’s political nature.

Shah asserted that Kashmiris would continue to employ all forms of resistance, including diplomatic, political, and peaceful protest to achieve their rights and freedoms. He also emphasized that the international community’s support was crucial in amplifying the Kashmiri voice and countering India’s narrative.

Shah argued that a more proactive stance by Pakistan would not only bolster the morale of the Kashmiri people but also help to counter India’s attempts to perpetuate its hold on the disputed territory.

Advocate Pervaiz Shah lamented that the human cost of the Kashmir conflict had continued to mount with a staggering 800 Kashmiris martyred by Indian forces since 2019 alone.

He condemned the excessive and indiscriminate use of force by Indian troops, which had resulted in the loss of countless innocent lives, including women, children, and youth. Shah emphasized that these atrocities were a stark reminder of the urgent need for international intervention to stop the bloodshed and hold India accountable for its human rights abuses in Kashmir.

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