CJ IHC disappointed with Islamabad Capital Police

Islamabad police are involved with property mafias in land grabbing: CJ IHC

ISLAMABAD   -  “Street crimes and abductions are rampant in Islamabad, law and order has gone down the road, what is police doing about it? What is IG police doing about it? Who is responsible for law and order in Islamabad?” remarked Chief Justice, Islamabad High Court, Amir Farooq, on Thursday while presiding over the Habeus Corpus petition of missing person Umar Sultan. 

CJ Amir Farooq summoned SP Sadar Islamabad Khanzeb yesterday on the last hearing (August 30th) and ordered him to submit his investigation report in the courtroom about the abduction of Umar Sultan, Coordinator of Imran Khan, who was abducted from Islamabad on August 26th. 

When CJ Amir Farooq asked state counsel where is SP Khanzeb, he replied that he was on his way. CJ Amir Farooq remarked, “Ok, he’s on his way. Meanwhile, we sit and chit-chat. Discuss the weather and have a cup of tea, see the audacity he’s on his way”. 

Barrister Raja Qadeer told the court that when the family of Umar Sultan went to see SP Khanzeb, he recited poetry in front of them, to which CJ Amir Farooq remarked that they can’t control law and order; they’ll only do poetry now. Every other day there’s a case of street crime and missing persons in Islamabad.

“Everyone knows what ICT police is doing; they’re involved with property mafias”, he further remarked, “Back in the day, SHO concerned used to know about implementation factors, now SHO only knows about property rates in their area.”

CJ Amir Farooq remarked I can’t tell how many complaints I get about police; I don’t have suo moto powers. Otherwise, I’d tell how much police are involved with property mafias in land grabbing. Islamabad is the federal capital; what are you showing to the world? CJ questioned.

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