Invisible Lives

Human rights abuses in Balochistan are widespread and alarming, with numerous reports of enforced disappearances, torture, and extrajudicial killings by security forces and militant groups. The province has seen over 5,000 cases of “missing persons” since 2001, with many families still searching for their loved ones. Detainees are often held incommunicado, subjected to physical and psychological torture, and denied access to legal counsel or medical care. Journalists and activists who speak out against these abuses face intimidation, abduction, and even murder. There have also been reports of forced labour, land grabbing, and violence against women and minorities, including the Hazara and Baloch communities.

The government’s failure to investigate and prosecute perpetrators has fostered a culture of impunity, allowing security forces and militant groups to continue these abuses unchecked. While the international community has expressed concern, much more needs to be done to address these egregious human rights violations and ensure accountability in Balochistan.



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