Japanese envoy Mitsuhiro calls on Sindh Governor, discusses bilateral relations

KARACHI   -  Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tessori hosted a meeting with Japanese Ambassador Mitsuhiro Wada at the Governor House on Thursday. The two dignitaries exchanged views on enhancing bilateral relations, investment and trade between Japan and Pakistan, along with other mutual interests.

During the meeting, Governor Kamran Tessori emphasized that Japanese investors should capitalize on the vast potential across various sectors in the province. He highlighted Sindh’s highly educated, skilled, and hardworking youth as an attractive resource for investment. He further assured that comprehensive support is being provided to investors through the Special Investment Facilitation Center (SIFC).

Governor Tessori expressed a strong desire to increase trade with Japan. Ambassador Wada affirmed that Japanese investors are keen on exploring different sectors in the province. He also commended the ongoing initiatives under the Governor’s leadership, noting their positive impact.

In a symbolic gesture, the Japanese ambassador planted a tree at the Governor House as part of the tree-planting campaign, and later inscribed his thoughts in the guestbook.

While speaking to the media after the meeting, Governor Kamran Khan Tessori stated that efforts would be made to strengthen the collaboration between the Japanese investors and local business communities.  He also mentioned that he would discuss with the federal government the possibility of providing further facilities to Japanese business communities.

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