Prepaid vs post-paid: Which connection is better?

You never know, reading this article might actually save you some money! It is time for you to pause and think about which plan is better for you, instead of blindly following what the commercials have to offer! To simplify, you choose to pay upfront in a prepaid phone connection while receiving a bill after the monthly usage is a post-pay experience. No doubt in both the cases you have to part with cash, but there is a little benefit and convenience in one of these. Check out the comparison and then avail the suitable one for yourself.

Prepaid connections are suitable for seasonal users and people with a limited budget. Prepaid connections can bring some liberties that are nice to have. For instance, you can switch plans any time you like. If you find a different plan that works better for you, just switch! There’s no botheration; just choose a different plan, even with a new carrier! But how long will you be able to have a plan like that? These short term offers change and expire so frequently, and then they will just kick you off or move you over to a different package. So, with these gains there definitely are some rip-offs as well. To me, the most annoying practice is having a card to scratch every time. Plus, there are taxes that are always hidden and revealed to you when making a call. Awkwardly, whenever an important call is to be made, I have always seen people crying for less or no balance at all which is too big a hassle. Please do not forget about the hassle of prepaid cards running out at inopportune times. You are not always in a situation to run out and grab a new one immediately.

Although post-paid connections are not being catered with juicy rates and tempting overnight packages but there is certainly more convenience linked to them. Some post-paid packages such as Ufone and Warid provide worthy deals which are within reach of common public. Their packages' line rent sums are same as the free minutes cost every month. There is freedom to choose at least three to five numbers on which you can call either free or on distinctive concessional rates.  The companies have launched the card billing system, through which you can charge your post-paid balance from the prepaid card. This makes the billing reasonably easier for the post-paid customers. The biggest liberation is that 99.9% of the times while making an important call, chances are your connection is equipped and you will not be barred from making a call due to less or no balance. However, post-paid customers suffer when their 95% credit limit is reached and if remain unpaid, the service gets blocked; or when they have to get the international calling enabled as it requires a certain amount of security fee being charged.

My verdict:

Let’s be a bit personal- I’m a post-paid user. The post-paid trend is not common in Pakistan yet but if we compare the utility, post-pay surely takes the lead. If asked from me, I would totally give up on a prepaid link, merely because of the trouble of scratching a card every time. I will leave you all with something to wonder! Why do you think there is a lot of advertisement being carried out for prepaid connections? If you think the big guns behind these adverts are more sincere to you than their own selves, you're mistaken. In my opinion, prepaid connections are a temporary and expensive fix.

The author is a high-school teacher, considerate mentor and a passionate learner. She pinpoints fashion trends and loves writing about all the chic people in the glossy industry as well as about the drifts in the fast-paced fashion industry.

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