Saudi Arabia offers 15% investment in Reko Diq gold and copper project

Saudi Arabia has proposed a 15% investment in Pakistan's mega Reko Diq gold and copper project, along with grants to develop road infrastructure around the site.

The Special Investment Facilitation Council has approved the structure of the offer, but the final decision will be made by the Cabinet Committee on Intergovernmental Transactions.

Pakistan anticipates Saudi investments of up to $5 billion in its mining and agriculture sectors by June next year.

In December 2022, Pakistan and Barrick Gold Corporation signed an $8 billion agreement to restart the Reko Diq project after the Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled the deal legal. The project, one of the world's largest undeveloped copper-gold mines, had been on hold since 2011 and is expected to begin mining operations in 2028, pending the completion of a feasibility study.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt