SAPM Sohrab Malik urges for meaningful Pakistan-Saudia bilateral collaboration

ISLAMABAD    -    Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) Muhammad Jawad Sohrab Malik had a meeting with Ambassador of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki to discuss enhancing bi­lateral collaboration between the two countries.

During the meeting, Jawad expressed his gratitude for Saudi Arabia’s unwaver­ing support to Pakistan and thanked the ambassador for confirming that $2 billion pledged by the Kingdom would be deposited within the next seven working days in the SBP account. Both parties showed a commitment to strengthen­ing the bilateral ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The SAPM highlighted the significance of Saudi Arabia’s assistance and stated that the $2 billion loan would help Pakistan overcome the current financial crisis.

He explained that this would pave the way for securing sim­ilar assurances not only from the IMF but also from other friendly countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and others, which would lead to the much-awaited staff-lev­el agreement (SLA) with the IMF and unlock multilateral disbursements.

Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki emphasized the Kingdom’s commitment to building long-term, sustainable investment transactions between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He reiter­ated Saudi Crown Prince Mo­hammed bin Salman’s pledge to increase Saudi Arabian in­vestments in Pakistan’s energy and IT sectors to $10 billion within the next few years.

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