FAISALABAD - The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Faisalabad released on Tuesday the final date-sheet for matriculation annual examination-2023. According to the date-sheet, the 10th grade exam would commence from April 1 and conclude on April 17. The 9th grade (matric part-I) exam will start from April 18 and end on May 5. A spokesperson for the board said that the papers of compulsory subjects including English, Urdu, Islamiat, Pak Studies, Islamiat Optional, General Science, General Math, Science Math, Physics, Chemistry, Tarjama-tul-Quran and Computer Science will be held in two groups morning and evening. He said that roll number slips were being issued to all candidates including regular and private. The date-sheet is available at board site www.bisefsd.edu.pk.