Punjab police intensifies crackdown on electricity theft

LAHORE  -  Under the directive of Chief Min­ister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Shar­if, the Punjab Police has intensi­fied its crackdown on electricity thieves across the province, in­cluding in Lahore.

Police teams are prioritizing ac­tions against those involved in electricity theft, according to a spokesman for the Punjab Police on Monday.

He further stated that 53,323 individuals have been arrest­ed for electricity theft this year, with 91,264 cases registered and 58,067 case challans submitted.

The spokesman also mentioned that over 7,000 electricity thieves have been convicted. Regarding operations in the provincial capi­tal, Lahore, he stated that 28,400 electricity thieves have been ar­rested, 28,618 cases have been registered, and 7,872 case chal­lans have been submitted.

IG Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, has directed that ongoing ac­tions against electricity theft be pursued without discrimination, emphasizing zero tolerance for those causing losses to the nation­al exchequer. He stated that pro­claimed offenders in electricity theft cases should be arrested im­mediately, recovery rates should be improved, and cases should be registered promptly in coordi­nation with the relevant electric­ity companies, following a strict course of action.

Dr. Usman Anwar reiterated that police teams will continue to provide full support to electric­ity companies in the crackdown against electricity theft.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt