Seven policemen booked for keeping man in illegal confinement

HYDERABAD  -  Two sub-inspectors and five constables were booked for holding a man in wrongful confinement, forcing him to withdraw a total of Rs422,000 through different transactions and snatching the money at the SITE police station of Hyderabad.

The FIR was registered after High Court Bar Association (HCBA) President Ayaz Tunio brought the matter to the notice of Hyderabad SSP Dr Farrukh Ali. It was lodged under Sections 342, 395 and 504(2) of the Pakistan Penal Code on the compliant of Hubdar Ali Chandio, who is a hotel owner.

The two SIs were identified in the FIR as Asif Jatoi and Saifullah Gill and one of the five constables as Zubair. The four other constables have not been named.

According to the complainant, he had gone to a shopping mall located along Autobhan Road after closing his hotel to pick his friend on Wednesday (Sept 11). The two SIs along with five constables riding a car waylaid him and forcibly took him to the SITE police station and snatched his ATM card, mobile phones and a cash amount of Rs83,000 from him. He stated that he was taken to an ATM where they withdrew cash through his card. He stated that he was also made to draw different amounts through ‘easypaisa’ and some other electronic transactions. A total amount of Rs422,000 was withdrawn which was snatched from him at the police station, he stated.

Mr Chandio further stated that while holding him in wrongful confinement at the police station, the policemen forced him to record a video statement admitting that he worked as a ‘bookie’. It was only after getting the statement recorded in a mobile phone, that he was let off, the complainant added.

Mr Chandio further stated that the next day, SI Asif Jatoi contacted him again and demanded Rs100,000, threatening that else he would be implicated in a narcotics case. SITE SHO Imran Rasheed, when contacted, said that none of the suspects had been arrested as yet.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt