Wasa MD for implementing SOPs

LAHORE   -   Water and Sanitation Agency Managing Director Ghufran Ahmad on Monday directed the authorities to strictly implement standard operating procedures (SOPs) regarding Muharram. He presided over a meeting which reviewed preparations related to Muharram, desilting operation and revenue progress here. The MD directed to ensure presence of covers on manholes at procession routes, Imambargahs and in surroundings of graveyards. He said water tankers should be placed in surroundings of procession routes and Imambargahs. Ghufran Ahmad said the staff with machinery would perform duty around Imambargahs and processions. He directed the staff to stay ready to cope with monsoon rains. Desilting of all roadside drains should be ensured after every rain, he said. He also reviewed digital complaint management system and progress related to revenue collection. Meanwhile, as per the direction of Commissioner Punjab Social Security Nadia Saqib, a one-day training session was organized in collaboration with the Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) here on Monday. The session took place in the auditorium of Punjab Social Security Hospital on Multan Road, Lahore. Sixty-five social security officers from hospitals and offices across Punjab participated in the training session. Director Admin Khawaja Waqar Ahmed and other officers attended, while PPRA officers, led by MD PPRA Khawaja Waqar Ahmad, provided the training.

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