CM Punjab unveils comprehensive environmental protection plan

On World Ozone Protection Day, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz announced a groundbreaking initiative to bolster environmental protection across the province. In a statement marking the occasion, she revealed that the Provincial Cabinet has approved the Comprehensive Climate Resilient Punjab Vision and Action Plan 2024.

The ambitious plan, the first of its kind for Punjab, is designed to address critical environmental challenges. It focuses on enhancing flood management systems, strengthening ecosystem infrastructure, ensuring food security, and mitigating the effects of heat waves.

In her message, Chief Minister Nawaz emphasized the government's determination to take every possible measure to safeguard the environment. “This Action Plan represents a significant step towards building a more resilient Punjab,” she stated. “It reflects our commitment to tackling climate-related issues head-on and protecting our natural resources for future generations.”

A key component of the plan is the launch of a new solar panel program aimed at promoting environmental sustainability. This initiative seeks to increase the use of renewable energy sources, providing a dual benefit of protecting the environment and generating more affordable electricity for residents.

The introduction of this comprehensive action plan highlights the Punjab Government’s proactive approach to environmental stewardship and its dedication to creating a greener, more sustainable future for the province.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt