PM reaffirms Pakistan’s commitment to ozone layer protection

Shehbaz reiterates govt’s commitment to climate action, environmental sustainability.  Announces launch of national initiative to promote organ donation

ISLAMABAD   -  Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has reiterated Pakistan’s strong commitment to the preservation of the ozone layer, marking World Ozone Day.  In his message, the prime minister emphasised the crucial role of global collaboration in addressing ozone depletion and highlighted Pakistan’s significant contributions to international efforts.

Acknowledging the damage caused by human activities, the prime minister expressed concerns over the depletion of the ozone layer, which resulted in the formation of the ozone hole, posing severe risks to life on Earth. However, he praised the positive impact of global initiatives such as the United Nations Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol, which had facilitated the recovery of the ozone layer. “Pakistan has been an active participant in these UN agreements,” PM Sharif noted, pointing out that the country ratified the Montreal Protocol in 1992 and has since made considerable progress in phasing out ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

The establishment of the National Ozone Unit (NOU) in 1996 has played a pivotal role in driving these efforts, working in collaboration with customs officials, the refrigeration and air conditioning industry, and other key stakeholders.

He highlighted that Pakistan successfully phased out the first generation of ODS by 2009 and achieved a 50 percent reduction in HCFCs by 2020.  “The country is on track to meet its target of a 67.5 percent reduction by 2025, with many industries having already transitioned to ozone-friendly technologies.”

The prime minister also stressed Pakistan’s preparedness for the phase-down of hydro-fluorocarbons (HFCs) under the Kigali Amendment.

Additionally, he also reaffirmed his government’s commitment to climate action and environmental sustainability.

He urged for continued global cooperation, in line with this year’s theme, “Montreal Protocol - Advancing Climate Actions”, to ensure a safer and more sustainable planet for future generations.

Separately, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced the launch of a national initiative aimed at promoting organ donation, which features a special logo for voluntary organ donors on National Identity Cards.

‘Individuals who voluntarily register themselves as organ donors will have a special, exclusive logo printed on their National Identity Cards, symbolizing their commitment to giving the gift of life,” the prime minister said in a message in connection with International Identity Day.

He said organ donation is a profound act of kindness that can give a new lease on life to those in need. “I encourage all citizens to participate in this initiative and become part of a life-saving community.”

He said, “Today, as we commemorate International Identity Day, we reflect on the profound significance of identity in our society”.

The prime minister said it is not merely a matter of recognition; but is a cornerstone of inclusion, representation, and access to essential services.

The prime minister urged to work collectively towards building a more inclusive world where every individual’s rights are recognized and respected. “I call upon citizens, civil society, and governmental institutions to unite in fostering a culture of awareness and education surrounding identity issues.”

He stressed the need to identify and address the critical gaps in current national registration and biometric ecosystem. The prime minister also encourage the integration of digital solutions and innovation to streamline access to services and enhance the accuracy of identity verification.

‘As we embark on these initiatives, my government remains dedicated to implement the policies that promote transparency and accountability to foster trust among our citizens and encourage greater participation in civic duties, thereby strengthening the democratic fabric of our nation,” he added.

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