Syndicate meeting of Gomal univarsity held

DERA ISMAIL KHAN   -   The 135th Syndicate Meeting of Gomal University was held under the chairmanship of Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Shakeeb Ullah, and various decisions relating to the promotion of quality education and development of the university were taken.

The meeting was attended by all syndicate members of Gomal University, including the Registrar, a representative from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad, the additional secretary of the Higher Education Department Peshawar, a representative from the finance department Peshawar, the principal of girls degree college No. 3, the principal of degree college Dera Ismail Khan, and a representative from the Establishment section Peshawar who joined online.

Registrar of Gomal University, Zahir Shah, presented the agenda items.

The meeting discussed various important matters, and committees were formed for different cases, and some cases were referred to the finance and planning committee.

Meetings with the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and other relevant departments regarding the university’s solarisation project were also updated. After detailed discussion on the agenda regarding land for the Dera Board, approval was granted for submission to the Gomal University senate. The Syndicate also considered a proposal for obtaining a loan from the bank for solarisation.

The Finance Department of Peshawar provided details regarding a sum of Rs400 million; a committee was formed to manage this amount.

Approval was also given for the establishment of an asset management system for the university, which will prepare recommendations for new projects based on BOT/PPP models with various institutions.

 The syndicate expressed grief over the passing of MA Rauf, the patron-in-chief of the University of Lahore, and offered prayers for the departed soul and prayed for granting patience to the bereaved family.

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