US Double Standards

The US sanctions on Chinese firms involved in Pakistan’s ballistic nuclear weapons program are clearly politically motivated, as the Foreign Office has rightfully pointed out. This move reeks of hypocrisy from a nation that continues to arm its allies—many of whom are embroiled in globally condemned conflicts—while selectively targeting others. Pakistan’s ballistic nuclear program is entirely legitimate and crucial to its national defense strategy, which includes both conventional and nuclear deterrence.

It is baffling that the US, which provides military support to nations like Israel amid its well-documented war crimes, including allegations of genocide by international bodies, is singling out China and Pakistan. The International Court of Justice has called out Israel’s actions, yet Washington’s military aid flows unabated. Likewise, the US has turned a blind eye to international arms limitations when it comes to India, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. This selective outrage underscores a foreign policy driven by vested interests rather than principles.

These sanctions are nothing more than a strategic maneuver to pressure Pakistan for aligning with China, a nation that is far from being a pariah state. Instead of bowing to this blatant political arm-twisting, Pakistan must continue to work toward securing its national interests, focusing on strengthening its defenses and international alliances. The West, as history shows, will always prioritise its own agenda, often at the cost of global equity.

In the face of these sanctions, Pakistan should ignore the rhetoric, safeguard its sovereignty, and strengthen ties with nations that respect its sovereignty, including China. The hypocrisy of Western powers is not new, and it is time to adopt a pragmatic approach focused solely on national interests.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt