Admin fails to check price hike in Mardan

MARDAN  -  With the commence­ment of the holy month of Ramadan, the prices of chicken, meat, and oth­er essential food items have witnessed an un­precedented increase in local markets, while the local administration re­mains passive. A survey conducted across var­ious bazaars and mar­kets in the city revealed a rampant exploitation of consumers by hoard­ers and profiteers, with the government machin­ery turning a blind eye to the dire situation.

In areas such as Bank Road, Bigut Gunj, Gajju Khan, Par Hoti, Shaheed­ano Bazaar, Charsadda Chowk, Shamshi Road, Malakand Chowk, and Adda Bazaar, dwindling consumer interest in purchasing chickens and meat products was ev­ident due to the exor­bitant prices. Despite the district administra­tion setting fixed rates for cow and buffalo milk, beef, and yoghurt, prices have surged well beyond the prescribed limits, with reports of adulterat­ed and unhygienic meat being circulated in nu­merous markets.

Residents have ex­pressed dismay over the escalating prices of es­sential commodities like milk, yoghurt, and mut­ton, attributing the sit­uation to the failure of the local administration to regulate prices and prevent artificial short­ages. Noor Muhammad, a government employ­ee, lamented the afforda­bility crisis, highlighting how the soaring prices have rendered chicken and meat unattainable for middle-class families, with even basic purchas­es becoming increasing­ly difficult on limited in­comes.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt