Public-private dialogue boosts women entrepreneurship

PESHAWAR  -  Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WCCI) Charsadda and Centre for Governance and Public Ac­countability (CGPA) organized a Public-Private Dia­logue (PPD) to discuss challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs. The event included WCCI President, executive council members, district ad­ministration representatives, and officials from var­ious sectors.

The dialogue aimed to identify barriers hinder­ing women entrepreneurs in Charsadda and pro­pose practical solutions. It fostered networking and support for women-owned businesses. Ms. Mahvish Ayub, Head of Strategy at the National Incubation Center (NIC), emphasized the importance of collabo­ration and presented NIC’s resources, including train­ing programs and business development services.

Rashid Aman, Provincial Chief of SMEDA, discussed development needs for Start-Ups and SMEs, high­lighting policy gaps affecting growth. He stressed the need for reforms to support local trade and in­ternational partnerships. Mossarat Qadeem, CEO of PAIMAN, and Ms. Tania Saleem, WCCI President, rec­ommended a session to explore growth strategies for women entrepreneurs. Ms. Saleem noted the im­portance of empowering women to independently choose their representatives.

Additional Deputy Commissioner Shehbaz Khat­tak briefed participants on the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Urban Policy 2030, focusing on improving access to markets and services for women-led businesses. He announced plans to provide office space for WCCI and a women-led business expo in November 2024. The dialogue concluded with appreciation for the district administration’s support for women entrepreneurs.

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