18 more Palestinians martyred as Israel pounds Gaza

GAZA STRIP, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES   -  Gaza medics and rescuers on Monday said Israeli strikes on several homes killed at least 18 people, as Hamas claimed it had ample resources to sustain its fight nearly a year into the war.

The latest strikes came as Is­raeli Defence Minister Yoav Gal­lant warned that prospects for a halt in fighting with Hezbol­lah fighters along the Lebanon border were dimming, yet again raising fears of a wider regional conflagration.

Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan told AFP during an in­terview in Istanbul on Sunday: “The resistance has a high ability to continue.” “There were mar­tyrs and there were sacrifices... but in return there was an accu­mulation of experiences and the recruitment of new generations into the resistance.”

His comments came less than a week after Gallant told journal­ists that Hamas, whose October 7 attack triggered the war, “no longer exists” as a military for­mation in Gaza.

Deadly fighting raged on in the Gaza Strip on Monday, with sur­vivors seen searching through the debris of crushed buildings following a strike on the Nusei­rat refugee camp in central Gaza.

Ten people were killed and 15 others were wounded when an air strike hit the home of the Al-Qassas family in Nuseirat on Monday morning, a medic at Al-Awda hospital, where the bodies were brought, told AFP.

“My house was hit while we were sleeping without any prior warning. There are many martyrs, among them the sons of my fam­ily and my little grandsons,” said Rashed al-Qassas, a surviving fam­ily member. Gaza’s civil defence agency said six Palestinians were killed in a similar air strike dur­ing the night on a house belonging to the Bassal family in Gaza City’s Zeitun neighbourhood, a regu­lar target of Israeli military raids since the war began.

Two people were killed in an­other overnight air strike in Ra­fah that targeted a house belong­ing to the Abu Shaar family, the agency said.

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