Balochistan’s Bleeding

The recent attacks in Balo­chistan demonstrate the growing lethality and reach of the separatist threat. Successive governments have tried various methods, both carrot and stick, to address Balochistan’s issues but have consistently fallen short. A fresh approach is now needed to bring peace and prosperity to this troubled region.

The state’s primary responsibil­ity is to stop the violence in Balo­chistan and ensure the safety of its people. While security forces pur­sue terrorists, it is crucial that no innocent people are caught in the dragnet and that human rights are not violated during counterterror­ism operations. Penalising inno­cent people will only strengthen the terrorists’ narrative.

Much of Balochistan’s suffering stems from the denial of funda­mental rights and a lack of com­prehensive development in areas such as health, education, and the economy. The central government can no longer ignore the voices in Balochistan, especially those who condemn violence and seek peace. Only by listening to and cooperat­ing with the people of Balochistan can the terrorists be defeated.



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