Eid Miladun Nabi (SAWW) being celebrated today

LAHORE  -  Eid Milad-ul-Nabi Sal­lalaho Aleyhe Wallyhe Wassalam is being cel­ebrated today across the country with great religious fervour and solemnity. The day will dawn with thirty-one-gun salute at the Fed­eral Capital, Islamabad, and a twenty-one-gun salute in all provincial capitals. Special prayers will be offered after the Fajr prayer for unity of the Muslim Ummah and the progress and pros­perity of the country. It will be a public holiday tomorrow.

Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony will organize National Seerat Conference in Islamabad. Radio Paki­stan will broadcast pro­ceedings of the Conference live on its National Hook­up from 0905 am till con­clusion of the Conference. A Mehfil-e-Naat and Seer­at Prize Distribution cere­mony will also be held this evening in Islamabad un­der the auspices of Min­istry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony. Streets, roads, buildings, mosques, and houses have been decorated with color­ful lights to mark this aus­picious occasion. Milad processions will be taken out in all cities tomorrow in which Ulema and Khateeb will highlight all aspects of life of Prophet Muhammad Sallalaho Alyhe Wassalam, stressing adherence to his teachings and Sunna. Ma­hafil-e-Milad are also being organised in all small and major cities to highlight Seerat-un-Nabi Sallalaho Alyhe Wassalam and teach­ings of the last Prophet.

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