Govt making concerted efforts to address concerns of businessmen: MNA

Govt urged to prioritise resolution of IPPs issue

ISLAMABAD   -   The government of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif is fully cognisant of the challenges faced by the business com­munity and is making concerted ef­forts to address their concerns, ensur­ing their wellbeing and contributing to the country’s prosperity.

This has been stated by Member Na­tional Assembly ( MNA) Malik Abrar Ahmed while addressing the hugely at­tended Founder Group’s reception hosted by Group leader TWA, Tarnol Wajid Ayub in honour of President Islamabad Cham­ber of Commerce and Industry, Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari, which was attended by the dignitaries including Dr Malik Mukhtar Ahmed Bharath, Coordinator to the Prime Minister on National Health Services, Members National Assembly Anjum Aqeel Khan, Raja Khurram Nawaz, Malik Sohail Khan Kamrial, Ehsan Bajwa, MPAs Raja Hanif, Ziaullah Shah, Malik Maqsood, former MPA Sardar Iftikhar Khan Mittu, former Deputy Mayor Islam­abad Chaudhry Riffat Javaid and others.

Malik Abrar highlighted the vital role of the business community in powering the economy, underscoring the need for prompt resolution of their issues to ensure the country’s continued progress and suc­cess. Malik Abrar reaffirmed his unwaver­ing commitment to supporting the Islam­abad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) in its endeavors to facilitate ease of doing business for the entrepreneur­ial community. Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari, President Islamabad Chamber of Com­merce and Industry, reiterated the Cham­ber’s commitment to serving the commu­nity, stating that its doors are always open to address problems and facilitate ease of doing business. During his tenure, he has made concerted efforts to strengthen link­ages for business promotion, with a spe­cial focus on tourism development.

His main initiatives included conducting foreign trips to explore new business op­portunities and hosting Tourism Summits in Skardu to showcase the breathtaking treasures of the northern areas. These ef­forts have helped highlight the region’s vast tourism potential, attracting investors and tourists alike. He urged policy makers to consult with business leaders and in­volve them in the decision-making process while formulating economic policies. This collaborative approach, he argued, is cru­cial for creating sustainable and effective policies that drive economic growth and development. Chairman Founder Group Khalid Iqbal Malik has said that Islam­abad Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the business community with unwavering commitment and selfless­ness. With a focus on promoting economic growth and development, the Chamber has been instrumental in addressing the concerns of entrepreneurs and trad­ers, providing them with a platform to voice their issues and find solutions. Za­far Bakhtawari, Secretary General United Business Group, emphasized the need to accord respect to the business community if Pakistan is to achieve progress and pros­perity. He stressed that recognizing con­tributions of business leaders is essential for inspiring younger generation to pursue entrepreneurship and excel in their lives.

Furthermore, Bakhtawari urged the government to incorporate the success stories of businessmen into educational textbooks. Nasir Qureshi, Council Mem­ber ICCI, acknowledged the challenges being faced by the business community, but praised the ICCI for its unwaver­ing support. Qureshi particularly com­mended Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari and Zafar Bakhtawari, citing their selfless dedication to serving the community and society at large. He described them as a source of inspiration and motivation for the business fraternity, exemplifying the ICCI’s commitment to promoting the interests of its members. Moham­mad Ejaz Abbasi, former President ICCI, stressed the imperative of unity among the business community to effectively address their challenges and compel the government to take decisive action. Wa­jid Ayub emphasized the crucial need for continuity in government economic policies to effectively navigate Pakistan out of its current economic challenges. He stressed that stability and consistency in economic decision-making are essen­tial for fostering a conducive business environment, attracting investments, and driving sustainable growth. Sheikh Aamir Waheed, former president of the ICCI, urged the government to prioritize the resolution of the IPPs issue, citing its significance for the business community.

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