Pakistan committed to ozone layer protection for humans, environment: Romina

Coordinator to PM calls for engaging all stakeholders to raise understanding about the importance of ozone layer

ISLAMABAD   -  Coordinator to Prime Minis­ter on Climate Change, Romi­na Khurshid Alam said that Pakistan has demonstrated a strong commitment and played it role as a part of glob­al efforts to protect the ozone layer through its participation in international agreements, implementation of national policies, and collaboration with global partners.

The country’s efforts in phase-out initiatives under the Montreal protocol to re­store and preserve the ozone layer for future generations has been globally recognised and presented as a case study, the PM’s climate aide high­lighted while addressing as a chief guest at the national experts’ dialogue regarding the World Ozone Day 2024 held here on Monday in the climate change & environ­mental coordination ministry.

On the occasion of World Ozone Day 2024 being marked today globally under the theme “Ozone for Life: Solu­tions for a Warming Planet”, she reaffirmed the present government’s dedication to preserving the ozone layer and combating climate change. Romina Khurshid Alam high­lighted that this year’s theme emphasises the critical role of the ozone layer in protecting life on Earth and highlights the interconnectedness of ozone layer protection and climate action. It reflects the ongoing efforts to address both ozone depletion and global warming, reinforcing the importance of continued international coop­eration and innovative solu­tions to tackle these environ­mental challenges.

The United Nations’ an­nual Ozone Day is observed every year on September 16, aiming celebrate the adop­tion of the Montreal Protocol and raises awareness about the importance of the ozone layer. It also serves as a re­minder of the global commit­ment to protecting this vital component of Earth’s atmo­sphere and addressing the broader challenges of envi­ronmental sustainability. The PM’s coordinator said that there is pressing need to en­gage all stakeholders’ includ­ing educational institutions and media practitioners and raise their understanding about the importance of the ozone layer, a critical compo­nent of Earth’s atmosphere, which protects life by block­ing harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.

“Not protecting ozone lay­er is a grave risk for human health and environmental sustainability. Because, its depletion poses various risks including increased incidenc­es of skin cancer, cataracts, and adverse impacts on eco­systems,” Romina Khurshid Alam warned. “However, Pak­istan recognises the impor­tance of this protective shield and has committed to adher­ing to the Montreal Protocol’s goals for the protection of the ozone layer,” she informed the participants.” Highlighting Pakistan’s efforts for phase-out of ozone-depleting gases, she said that the country contained use of first genera­tion of ozone depleting sub­stances by 2009 and achieved a 50% reduction in drochlo­rofluorocarbons (HCFCs) by January 2020. Pakistan is also on track to meet our 67.5% reduction target by 2025, having transitioned many industries to ozone-friendly technologies, Ms Alam em­phasised. “Our collective determination towards hu­man and environmental sus­tainability continues as we prepare for the forthcoming hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) phase-down under the Kigali Amendment to the Montoreal Protocol, an international agreement to gradually re­duce the consumption and production of HFCs. Secre­tary climate change & envi­ronmental coordination min­istry Aisha Humera Ch. said that World Ozone Day 2024 is a testament to the collective efforts of nations in address­ing one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. Pakistan is proud of the progress we have made and remains resolute in our commitment to pro­tecting the ozone layer and combating climate change. “World Ozone Day serves as a powerful reminder of the collective effort required to protect our planet’s delicate balance,” the climate change ministry secretary remarked. She said Pakistan is proud to be a part of the global move­ment to preserve the ozone layer, and we will continue to work diligently to ensure a healthier environment for current and future genera­tions. She said further that the protection of the ozone layer is integral to ensuring a stable climate and a healthy environment. Our ongoing initiatives and interna­tional collaborations reflect Pakistan’s dedi­cation to these goals. “As we move forward, our focus will remain on implementing effective solutions and fostering public awareness,” the climate change minis­try secretary stressed. Spelling out future ac­tions for contributing to ozone layer protec­tion efforts at global level, protecting ozone layer, Parliamentary Secretary of the climate change & environmen­tal coordination Rana Ahmed Ateeq Sarwar said that looking ahead, Pakistan would remain committed to achieving the phase-out targets for remaining ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and addressing any emerging chal­lenges that pose risks to ozone layer. “More efforts would be taken to strengthen country’s regulatory framework regarding protection of ozone layer, enhance in­vest in research and de­velopment, raise public awareness and promote sustainable practices across all sectors,” he emphasised.

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