SEPA report reveals supply unsafe drinking water by HW&SBC’s filter plants

HYDERABAD   -   The Sindh Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has disclosed that all the water filtration plants of Hy­derabad Water and Sewerage Board Corporation (HW&SBC) are supply­ing ‘unsafe’ drinking water to the citi­zens of the city. Director General SEPA Naeem Ahmed Mughal wrote a letter in this regard to the corporation’s Managing Director Zahid Khemtio on Monday. He stated that the agency col­lected water samples from Jamshoro road, Hala Naka, Hussainabad, Lati­fabad, Paritabad and Ghangra Mori fil­tration plants for the lab test. The DG added that the water analysis reports indicated concentration of different parameters in excess of Sindh Envi­ronment Quality Standards (SEQS) as notified by the provincial government for safe drinking water.

“The parameters were also in excess of the World Health Organization’s guidelines for safe drinking water,” he underlined. The DG also pointed out that the residents of Hyderabad were as a consequence suffering from water borne diseases and health haz­ards. Mughal emphasized that urgent remedial measures were required so that the water consumers could be protected from hazardous and con­taminated water. “In case of negli­gence to this advisory, the responsibil­ity will lie on the entire management of WASA Hyderabad,” he warned.

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