Rehmani pays tributes to Khaliq Ganai on his martyrdom anniversary

ISLAMABAD         -           Senior leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, has paid glowing tributes to a renowned and leading commander and leader of the 1980s and 1990s freedom uprising, Abdul Khaliq Ganai alias Jamal Afghani. Abdul Khaliq Ganai was arrested in Kupwara and martyred in custody on 15 December 1993. He had spent his youth in organising the people of Kashmir for the cause of freedom and right to self-determination from 1970s to 1990s. Muhammad Farooq Rehmani in a statement issued in Islamabad said Abdul Khaliq Ganai was a great freedom fighter, who laid down his life for the sacred cause of Kashmir in custody of Indian troops in Kupwara and proved that freedom is every Kashmiri’s priority of life. He also condemned Indian Hindutva regime’s repression and strangulation of press and media, continued arrests and bulldozing of houses and imprisonment of human rights activists across the territory. He said that the present period of Kashmir beginning from 5th August 2019 would be written as the darkest one of Indian occupation since 1947. He urged the United Nations to intervene in these tragic conditions and appealed to the Arab countries to use their economic, diplomatic and other ways and means for a just and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

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