SANGHAR - As many as 3187 candidates would contest local government election on different seats of districts, towns and union councils of 4 municipal committees of the city. According to a data shared by District election commission last date to submit nomination forms was 16th May as as many as 3187 candidates would contest LG elections on four including four municipal committees of Sanghar, Shahdadpur, Sinjhoro and Tando Adam. Moreover, 11 town committees including Kandiari, Tando Mitha Khan, peroomal, Shahpur Chakar, Sarhari, Jatia,jhol, Khatroo,Jam Nawaz Ali, Berani , khipro and 73 union councils including 337 candidates had submitted nomination forms for Chairman and Vice Chairman. In the meanwhile, 2504 candidates had filed their candidacy to contest for general seats of municipal committees, town committees and UCs . Whereas, 346 candidates had submitted nomination forms for general seats.