‘I’m tormented by Sonu Nikamma’s crappy songs’ – Faakhir responds to ‘Mohammad Rafi wannabe’ Sonu Nigam’s tweets

Renowned pop star Faakhir Mehmood has taken on Indian singer Sonu Nigam, following the latter’s complaints against the use of loudspeakers for azaan.

Faakhir Mehmood has responded to Sonu Nigam’s tweets in a sarcastic Facebook post.

Faakhir called Sonu Nigam’s songs ‘crappy’ and voice ‘irritating’. He did not stop there; he also called the Indian singer a ‘pathetic Mohammad Rafi wannabe’.

“God bless everyone. I'm not a Sonu Nikkama fan and I have to be tormented by Sonu Nikkama's irritating voice in crappy songs. When will this forced music end in the world. Gunda Gardi Hai Bas!!!

Sonu Nigam has had to face severe backlash after his continued protest against what he calls ‘enforced religiousness’. The Indian singer maintains that places of worship should not be allowed to use loudspeakers dubbing it ‘gunda gardi’.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt